World Health Organization report about Electromagnetic fields (EMF). What are electromagnetic fields? Summary of health effects, look at website
Many health benefits of Alpha Spin for your family :
* Put Alpha Spin in the 4 corners of the house to get a Quantum Field that will help harmonize Energy and frequency in the house, thus making the EMF (Electro Magnetic waves) are not free to be radical body occupants.
* Put the Alpha SPIN a few minutes near the bottle to drink. Alpha SPIN alters the molecular structure of water into micro molecules (can easily ENTER THE body's cells) and hexagonal (solid structure, bringing more Oxygen to the cells of the body). It's important our bodies consume Hexagonal water. Hexagonal water will bring tremendous health benefits for your family.
* Put a the Alphaspin body on experiencing health problems such as in the breast for breast cancer or breast cysts, knee if the KNEE PAIN, and others. The frequency of the Alpha Spin Spinning will help boost Energy or frequency in parts of the body. (Cells healthy body will have harmonic frequencies that rotates counterclockwise. Cancer cells opposite spins, clockwise)
* Put Alphaspin in the heart (the main blood bag) shortly every day so that the blood in the body into a hexagonal structure on small molecules. This will make the body much more healthy because the blood flow more smoothly, more oxygen is carried, and the molecular structure of a solid (hexagonal) so it is not vulnerable to attack 'enemies' (free radicals and others).
* Put shortly Alpha Spin in the refrigerator to provide bio-energy in the refrigerator so that food and beverages have better nutrition and freshness longer.
* Wash or soak fruits and vegetables with water Alpha Spin energized, make fruits and vegetables become much fresher.
* Cook rice, side dishes and others with Alpha Spin energized water. The food will last much longer.
* Put the Alpha Spin remedy under the bed comfort sleep better, especially for those who have SLEEP DISORDERS or health problems.
* Put the Alpha Spin in the bath tub for a bath, or put it in the shower, you will get a bio spa will refresh the body.
* Wash your face with water that is energized Alpha Spin (hexagonal)
* Put Alpha Spin in the pocket when the plane to stop Jet Lag and reduce the influence of big EMF in an airplane.
* Put the Alpha SPIN in the aquarium so that the fish much fresher and healthier for life in the hexagonal water.
* Put a Alpha SPIN near petrol pump hose. You will get a petrol car hexagonal so much better traction and fuel savings due to the almost perfect combustion
* Alpha Spin extremely helpful in improving the quality of sexual function.
* Alpha Spin extremely helpful in improving the quality of sexual function.
Video explanation Alphaspin look at website
Alpha spin user testimony look at website
How to use Alphaspin? Look at website
Alphaspin is solution for Wi-Fi radiation and mobile phone radiation. Protect your family at home. since the Alpha Spin is really great and have help lot of people around the world, especially now people around the world aurrounded by technology and have to take the consequency from it. And we do hope many many more people can sooner being protected, by using Alpha Spin. Alphaspin is made in Germany.
Website, click on product-living-alphaspin.
Hundreds years ago, human live in very harmonious environment. But when technology grow, the frequency like from mobile phone / wifi / electronic HOME APPLIANCES / computer / etc affect to nature, and human / animal / plant / nature lost its harmonious condition.
Alpha Spin create
harmonious frequency at its range area. So the frequency from MOBILE PHONE /
wifi / computer / home appliances / etc not become harmful to our body.
Alpha Spin itself has no
energy, its not energy product. But the material and design (its vortex) covert
the frequency around it become harmonious frequency.
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Mrs Heni (name of lady that have eye challenge) is categorized as hyper sensitive to electromagnetic since 20 years ago. If close to a low bat mobile phone / laptop,she will know because she can feel it. She wi ll feel sick on stomach / head / neck /etc by this frequency. She suffer from such condition for almost 20 years. And finally she learned about meditation and must do grounding
very often to release this energy from her body.
Few months ago suddenly when she woke up find out her face is like in the picture. It is not stroke, she go to many doctors but not get significant progress from the therapy these doctors.
One day a friend introduce alphaspin to her. When she hold, immediately she can feel the energy (like electric) passing her arm. when she put the Alpha Spin to her face, she can feel like the muscle being pulled up.
After few days intensive treatment (just put the alphaspin to her face) and drink Alpha Spin water, her face get back to normal
Now she always bring alphaspin on her body to everywhere, and help her a lot from emf (electro magnetic field).
Alpha Spin is works based on Spinning Frequency, it not creates negative ion.
The main function of Alpha Spin :
1. Harmonizing frequency.
Hundreds years ago, human live in very harmonious environment. But when technology grow, the frequency like from mobile phone / wifi / electronic home appliances / computer / etc affect to nature, and human / animal / plant / nature lost its harmonious condition.
Alpha Spin create harmonious frequency at its range area. So the frequency from mobile phone / wifi / computer / home appliances / etc not become harmful to our body.
Alpha Spin itself has no energy, its not energy product. But the material and design (its vortex) covert the frequency around it become harmonious frequency.
2. The Spinning Frequency from Alpha Spin can change the molecule structure of liquid become hexagonal and micro molecule size.
This applied to drinking water, fruit, vege, blood, etc.
Alpha Spin no need bio light anymore because the energy / frequency is spinning already. So to therapy particular part of body, we just put the Alpha Spin to body.
The difference from Bio Disc is the technology. Coming from same inventor, but the technology is much more advance. Alpha Spin is using spinning frequency.
The most significant difference is 4 Alpha Spin can create Quantum Field. Have Quantum Field in house, then the whole house has harmonious frequency already, mean all family being protected.
And Alpha Spin can harmonize Mobile phone. For example if I want demo to you, I can harmonize my mobile phone, then when I call you, it will transfer strength to you because you receive harmonized frequency.
Alpha Spin is just launched about 3 months ago. Now we are focusing on educating people about EMF / electromagnetic field, and how Alpha Spin can help people being protected.
Alphaspin product knowledge and application look at website
More information abou alphaspin look at website, click on "product", "living", "alphaspin",
I sponsoring you to buy alphaspin. If you using computer or tablet you buy product at website, click on "enrol", fill form your sponsor is Frengkie Budiman , sponsor number is AU1000680.
I sponsoring you to buy alphaspin. If you using mobile phone you buy product at website, click on "enrol", fill form your sponsor is Frengkie Budiman , sponsor number is AU1000680.
Any question please send text message to Frengkie whatsapp +61434265909 or blackberry messenger (bbm) pin 564200B5. Email Facebook is Frengkie Budiman.
lpha SPIN have huge market.
I sponsoring you to buy alphaspin. If you using mobile phone you buy product at website, click on "enrol", fill form your sponsor is Frengkie Budiman , sponsor number is AU1000680.
Any question please send text message to Frengkie whatsapp +61434265909 or blackberry messenger (bbm) pin 564200B5. Email Facebook is Frengkie Budiman.
lpha SPIN have huge market.
The very significant tech is that 4 Alpha SPINcan form a Quantum Field (Pyramid Energy) which inside the QF, energy is fully harmonized.
which There are 2 Main function :
1. Harmonizing Frequencies, like in a house / office / factory / etc. Which mostly this area full of electromagnetic. EMF is silent killer to body. Having this emf being harmonized, mean we can have very clean environment.
2. The SPINNING frequency change the molecule structure of liquid, and break it into micro size, so it can absorb to cell easily.
Protecting a house (the whole family) from EMF is a new concept. There is never have such market before, because no technology can provide solution. Holding exclusive distributionship give us a big chance to educate market and develop this concept world wide.
And this is PIONEERING period. We just really START around 2 months only, worldwide. Do you like to run alphaspin business?
Put the Alpha Spin a few minutes near the bottle to drink. Alpha Spin alters the molecular structure of water into micro molecules (can easily ENTER THE body's cells) and hexagonal (solid structure, bringing more Oxygen to the cells of the body). It's important our bodies consume Hexagonal water. Hexagonal water will bring tremendous health benefits for your family.
This rose is 5 days old. When my friend want to throw away, she remember that can do experiment with it. put into a bowl of AlphaSpin water, 2 hours later came out the rose fresh again look like this.
Put a Alphaspin near petrol pump hose. You will get a petrol car hexagonal so much better traction and fuel savings due to the almost perfect combustion of car engine.Alphaspin can change the molecule structure of fuel into hexagonal and micro molecule size. This make car engine works more efficient and cause fuel saving 10% - 30%.
Any question please contact Frengkie in Perth Western Australia send text message whatsapp messenger mobile phone +61434265909, email Please add friend me at facebook. My facebook is Frengkie Budiman. Please look photo of product in facebook. I am a distributor of JM Ocean Avenue company with my distributor number is ID1000680 name Frengkie Budiman. If you like buy product plesase contact Frengkie, you fill form with sponsor number is AU1000680, sponsor name is Frengkie Budiman ( I sponsoring you to buy alphaspin)